Sunday, October 26, 2014

Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was born into a rather tough family. His mother would dress him as a girl and his father had random spikes of emotions that caused relationship problems with his father. After college, Hemingway tries to join the military but is rejected for poor eye sight. Causing him to be an ambulance driver. After being injured for the war he moves to Chicago, writes for the Toronto Star newspaper, and marries Elizabeth Hadley Richardson. They have a son and Hemingway meets Fitzgerald.. They soon become enemies mainly due to rivalry. Hemingway divorces Hadley and marries Pauline.

They move to Key West where Hemingway spends most of his time and has another son. Hemingway publishes A Farewell To Arms making him financially independence. Throughout the next few years he travels to Africa and writes many famous books, including The Snows of Kilimanjaro. He divorces Pauline and marries a journalist named Martha Gellhorn, who he later divorces to marry Mary Welsh. Hemingway publishes a poorly reviewed book and writes The Old Man and the Sea, redeeming himself with its massive success. Due to the book, he won the Pulitzer Prize and later, the Nobel Prize. 1961 comes and Hemingway, suffering from depression, alcoholism, and physical ailments commits suicide.