Sunday, March 29, 2015

Reservation Blog

School can be very restrictive to people in many ways. One major limitation are the amount of people we meet. Most of our friends and acquaintances will be from only the school and so it can restrict one form meeting others and expanding their social life. One also to follow rules and do things that he/she may not be interested in. Many classes will teach things that students will never pursue or even need to use ever again.  Another problem, and perhaps the biggest, is the need to blend in, as to not be ostracized by others. In order to be part of this world, one has to receive a education, which means doing certain things he/she may not want to participate in. Finally, school also restrict on what others want to do, but it conflicts with the schedule.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Native Son Blog

Max was the lawyer charged with the responsibility to defend Bigger for, what the whites saw as, a murder and rape of 2 people. Max stated that Bigger was forced into a life he doesn't have control over, causing them to resort to violence and crimes to sustain themselves in these horrible positions. Max aims to have the court see Bigger from his angle, rather than one of a blood thirsty person. Bigger knew, when he was in Mary's room that if he didn't quite Mary he would have a high likely hood of being killed, so he tried to better situation. However, Bigger executed crimes that in any society, would be severely punished and he got the death penalty.